Metal United Down Under: Who’s Participating In Round 5?
Less than 3 months to go to the fifth round of Metal United Down Under (MUDU). The big day is 22 September and the promoters are getting ready. Six cities have announced their full line-ups:
- Albury combines Deadset Legends – a tribute to Rock and Metal legends – with MUDU
- Hobart has a two stages show
- Lismore has currently the biggest lineup with 14 bands
- Melbourne is going for the true metal/thrash with LORD, Vanishing Point and Alarum
- Orange is back for the second time
- Port Pirie follows Lismore with a massive show and 13 bands
Darwin, Maryborough, Wagga Wagga, Perth and Brisbane are finalising their lineups. Canberra, Wollongong and Bendigo are very likely to return as well. 54 bands have been announced so far. It is expected that once again 90 to 100 Australian bands will play Metal United Down Under and the numbers of previous years will be matched.
These are the bands currently announced:
HEADLESS, Black Jesus, Moustache Ant, As Flesh Decays, Cuck Lord, Gangrene Penis, Beast Impalor, Stone Sovereign, Drakkarus Arkheth, Terra Mortem, Cafe Enema, Kold Creature, Symptoms Persist, Elephant, Puncture Wound, Medics of Pain, End Us, The Nuremberg Code, Pavilion Band, Symbolic Weapon, Harvest The Moon, RoXferry, Evil Eye, Mergatroyd, Shadow Realm, In:Extremis, Oath of Damnation, Good Time Aussie Bogalars, Sickness, Christ Crusher, Counter Attack!, Sedulous Rouse, Maniacal, Aftashock, Fireace, Suffer The Evenue, Hate Force Five, Nosce Tiepsum, Pure, Vice, Satanicus, Interitum, Lacerta, Lab A, Perceptions, LORD, Vanishing Point, Alarum, In Malice’s Wake, Damnations Day, Monoliyth, Espionage, Abraxxas, IMMORIUM
For more information about the shows and bands participating, check out the official MUDU website:
Here are the shows and these are the bands.
It’s not too late to become part of this huge venture. If you are involved with metal, there is always an option to support and participate. Contact for more information.
Metal United Down Under is in the warm up phase. Get warmed up with us to make the 22 September another great day in Australia’s metal year! \m/
The second MUDU compilation Metal United Down Under Volume II has just arrived fresh from the press. Get your copy at a MUDU show on 22 September. Find out more about the compilation here:
Metal United Down Under started 2014 as a community project of the Australian metal underground to offer extended exposure to bands. At the same time, the event aims to provide the scattered metal scene with a feeling of unity by participating in one event together – despite the distance between everybody.